Now available worldwide on Amazon for Kindle, "How To Master Self-Hypnosis in a Weekend" is a Step-by-Step instruction manual which does exactly what it says on the cover! Within forty eight hours you will be confidently dropping in and out of deep hypnotic trance, and enjoying all the benfits that self-hypnosis has to offer. The book covers everything you'll need including downloadable script recordings to make it simple, systematic and successful. Give me one weekend, and I'll give you an amazing new secret weapon that you can use for the rest of your life!
Research Proves Quitting Smoking "Reduces Anxiety"
Smokers who successfully quit feel less anxious afterwards - despite the belief that smoking relieves stress, researchers say. By quitting, they removed these repeated episodes of anxiety and felt less anxious as a result, they added.
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Top 10 New Year's Resolutions For 2013
According to a recent survey, this is what we'll be resolving to do in the coming year;
1. Save more money – 31%
2. Get out of debt – 22%
3. Get fit/lose weight – 18%
4. Change job/career – 16%
5. Quit smoking – 13%
6. Give up alcohol – 11%
7. Spend less time working – 9%
8. Spend more time with family/friends – 7%
9. Give up chocolate – 6%
10. Move house – 2%
It's a great time to visit Zone Hypnosis if you want to succeed with your resolution this year!